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Case Management Appreciation Week

October 15, 2021

Happy Case Management Appreciation Week!

I would like to take a few minutes to express my appreciation for the work that you do in your role as a “case manager” here at PathWays. While we do not have positions with the title of case manager, many of you carry out that role with the job titles such as Family Support Coordinator, Family Service Coordinator, Support Broker and Enhanced Family Care Coordinator.

The strength of PathWays as an organization is best measured in terms of how we support the people we serve to achieve their goals and to live their lives in their own community. You lead teams of people to do this each day and I thank you for your efforts.

John McKnight, a community organizer from Chicago, described community not as a place but as a constellation of associations. Our community is made up of our family, the people we work with, the people we worship with, the cashier at the corner store, the people we see at the town dump and so on. They are our community.

PathWays is also a community. It is a constellation of people with many unique gifts and talents orbiting around a vision of a full life in the community for everyone. The gravitational pull of this vision keeps us together as we each do our part to carry out our mission. I am proud to be a part of this community with each of you.


Mark Mills
Chief Executive Officer