A glossary of words, acronyms and terms seen on the PathWays website commonly used and by state, local and federal agencies. Call of us if you have questions about these terms of encounter others not on this list.

PathWays Glossary of Terms

ABD: Acquired Brain Disorder
AIHS: Adult In Home Supports (521) individuals over 21
APD: Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital
ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder
BEAS: Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services
BDS: Bureau of Developmental Services
ASD Proposal: Autism Spectrum Disorder proposal to state for increased services
BID: Twice a Day
BSA: Basic Service Agreement
CCW: Community Care Waiver
CDC: Child Development Clinic
CDS: Consolidated Developmental Services
CIHS: Children’s In Home Supports
CIHSISA: Children’s In-Home Supports Individual Service Agreement
COC: Cost of Care
CM: Case Management
CS: Consolidated Services
CSI: Comprehensive Skills Inventory/used for individuals over 21
CSS: Community Support Services (outreach)
DCYF: Division of Children,Youth and Family
DD: Developmental Disability
DHMC: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
DNR: Do not Resuscitate
DRC: Disability Rights Center
DSP: Direct Support Provider
EEIN: Early Education and Intervention Network
EFC: Enhanced Family Care
EI: Early Intervention: general term used to refer to state’s services
ESS: Early Supports and Services: general term used for NH’s services birth to three
Family Resource Connection: Educational resources for parents
FAC: Family Advisory Council
FB: Food Budget
FSC: Family Services Coordinator
FS: Family Support
Good Beginnings Program: Home services for children birth through six years old
HB: Household Budget
HELP: Hawaii Early Learning Profile: tool used to determine eligibility
He-M 503: Rule number that governs the intake and eligibility process as well as service coordination
HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
HRC: Human Rights Committee
HS: Hour of sleep/bedtime
ICC: Interagency Coordinating Council
IDA: Infant Development Assessment:tool used to determine eligibility
IEP: Individual Education Plan
IFSP: Individual Family Support Plan (bill CM/ SC)
IHS: In Home Supports (Adults 521)
ILO: Independent Living Option (same as ISO and EFC)
ISA: Individual Service Agreement /individuals over 21
ISO: Individualized Service Options
MDT: Multi-Disciplinary treatment team
NHSEIS: New Hampshire Special Education Information System: State Date System
NOC: Notice of Change Form
N/T: Nurse Trainer
NKDA: No known Drug Allergies
OPG: Office of Public Guardian
PA: Prior Authorization
Part C of IDEA: Deals with laws pertaining to children with disability; birth to three
PCP: Person Centered Planning
PCP: Primary Care Provider
PIC: Parent Information Center. Offers education, trainings and resources for parents, caregivers and community organizations.
PO: by mouth
PR: per rectum
PRN: as needed
PSNL: Projected Service Needs List
PSP: Primary Service Provider
QD: everyday
QHS: Administer each evening at hour of sleep
QID: Take four times a day
RESP: Respite
RESPMED: Medicaid respite
RFP: Request for Proposal
RPC: Residential Personal Care
SIB-R: Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised; functional assessment tool used at time of intake.
SC: Service Coordination (cm)
SEP: Supported Employment Program
TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury
TCC: Tri County CAP Inc. Guardianship Services/individuals over 18
TID: Three times a day
Tran disciplinary: Service delivery method. An approach using a primary direct service person working on goals form different disciplines
VNA Hospice: Visiting Nurse Association
VRH: Valley Regional Hospital
WCBH: West Central Behavioral Health