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PathWays of the River Valley Frequently Asked Questions

PathWays provides service coordination, day and vocational services, individualized
residential supports, family supports and respite to those who are eligible for

Children from birth to age 3 who have a developmental delay or established disability, as well as children from age 3 to 21 and adults who have a developmental disability or acquired brain disorder.

No. Eligibility does not depend on income or insurance.

Contact our Intake Coordinator. The Intake Coordinator may ask for your assistance with gathering the needed information. You may reach the intake coordinator by calling our main numbers in Claremont and Lebanon. The office closest to you would be the most appropriate number to call.

Your application will be reviewed by the agency. Eligibility for services for people with Developmental Disabilities and Acquired Brain Disorder will be determined upon meeting the criteria established in RSA 171-A. The Intake Coordinator may ask for your assistance with gathering the needed information. You will receive a letter regarding the determination.

Yes, the number of individuals on our waitlist changes frequently. The length of time someone remains on the waitlist varies based upon individual need and availability of funding.

Talk with your Family Services/Support Coordinator.

PathWays of the River Valley Frequently Asked Service Questions

Pathways provides Family Centered Early Supports and Services to families who have children with developmental delays and disabilities from birth to age three. Services and supports are based on the needs of the child and family as determined through an evaluation and writing of an Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP). All eligible children receive an evaluation and development of the IFSP, service coordination and transition support.

A service for families and children and young adults ages 3 – 21, and for adults who still live with their families. Our services include information and referral, educational advocacy, in home supports and respite.

Any family with a family member who is eligible for Developmental Disabilities or Acquired Brain Disorder services and living at home is eligible for family support services.

A service designated to provide support to families with children up to 21 years of age in need of extraordinary support: i.e. significant medical, behavioral, safety needs.

Contact your Service Coordinator for more information. There are specific eligibility requirements for this service.

Contact your Family Service Coordinator to request respite services or contract the Intake Coordinator.

A service that provides supports for adults with Developmental Disabilities or Acquired Brain Disorder. Our services include coordination of needed services, advocacy, and information and referral.

Employment Options is a service within PathWays, which provides job development skills for individuals by helping them create and achieve goals for employment.

Anyone who is interested in reaching a goal related to employment.

Talk with your Service Coordinator.

Our services are individualized for the person and their specific needs. Some of the skills we help our consumers with include: interviewing skills, work preparedness (proper conduct, attire, and policies), job development, career exploration, making community connections, applications, maintaining employment, supervisor interactions, and co-worker relations.

A service that provides day and vocational supports for adults with developmental disabilities or brain injuries. Our services include employment, volunteer opportunities, and community based activities and experiences.

Adult Residential Support takes place in a community-based environment, such as Adult Foster Care, Staffed Residences, and In-Home Supports. This service provides opportunities in personal growth, skill building and connecting with people through shared experiences. We also support people to become involved in community life.

We provide a wide range of residential supports including Consumer-Directed Services, Adult In-Home Supports, Adult Foster Care, and Community Residential Homes.