Participant Directed and Managed Services (PDMS) is a service model that places the participant, family and/or guardian in the decision making role with regard to support staff, their individual budget and overall service design.
Participants do not have to be living with their family in order to choose PDMS. Services through PDMS must be allow for each individual to manage services on a day to day basis, including designing services, selecting provider, deciding how funds will be spend (within their approved budget and guidelines for utilization of Medicaid funds) and ongoing oversight of their services.
Services funded under traditional service categories can all be funded under PDMS: Service Coordination, Family Support, Personal Care/ Residential, Supported Employment, Independent Living, Respite, Day Habilitation, Specialty Services, Assistive Technology, Home and Vehicle Modifications, Crisis Response, etc.
You may be a good fit for PDMS services if you, your family, or authorized representative are interested in:
- Directing your services
- Designing the services, selecting the service providers/staff, etc., and overseeing the services
- Making decisions about how the approved funds are to be spent
- Being quite active in all aspects of the service arrangement and related decisions, including supervision of the employee, ensuring all required documentation is provided to the agency in a timely manner and monitoring the budget
- A lot more involvement in planning
For more information about PDMS please talk with your Family Services Coordinator or call 603-542-8706.