“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
― Maya Angelou
Support Ages 3-21
PathWays collaborates with families and local school districts, who have primary responsibility for services for individuals between the ages of 3 and 21, to offer supports by educating and empowering families to identify, access and utilize available resources in ways that are most helpful to them.
We offer the following Services:
Family Support – provides services, activities, and interventions for children, young adults, and adults identified by a family to assist that family to remain the primary source of support for an individual.
Respite – Respite care is short term, temporary relief and support of the family, in or out of the home. The family will have flexibility and control in choosing their own provider(s) with the training and safeguards to assure appropriateness and quality of services and supports provided.
Children’s In-Home Support – For children that live at home with their family, and qualify under the IHS Waiver. These services provide an individual and his or her family, in the home or in the community, the opportunity to develop a variety of life skills.
Transition Services – PathWays provides transition services to eligible young adults transitioning from school to adult services. Transition coordination is provided for those ages 14 -21 years. Coordination includes support and information in the development of a school transition plan that will better prepare young adults as they move out of the school system to adult services as appropriate. Specific supports provided are based on the age and needs of the young adult and their family, but may include review of school plans, attendance at school meetings, application for guardianship and requests for adult services funding.
Environmental Modifications – Services that offer adaptations to the individual’s home or vehicle to ensure access, health and safety necessary for the welfare of the individual.
Service Coordination -provides resources to families who have a child (birth to 21) with a developmental disability or chronic health condition. The focus of Service Coordination is to assist the family in accessing services. Our goal is to educate and empower families to identify, access and utilize available resources in ways that are most helpful to them. This is achieved by partnering with a Service Coordinator.
To learn more or to apply for services, contact Samantha Valdivia, Intake and Service Agreement Specialist, [email protected], 603.542.8706.